Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Activity 1 1/18/2011 Burning Candle Observations

What is burning? Show the chemical formula and an image of the structure.

A chemical reaction on your birthday cake. The gas from the candle being lit that mixes with the oxygen. It is ignited by the flame that melted the wax at the top. The wick is the part that makes it all happen; it keeps the heat of the flame in the wax long enough for it to vaporize. The wax needs to be in the gaseous form for it will ignite and burn.
When lighting a candle a chemical reaction takes place in the flame. During the reaction oxygen gas is combined with hydrocarbon wax molecules. This produces carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Candle Wax Structure and formula:
C25 H52
Write the chemical reaction.
C25H52 + O2====> H2O  +CO2

Write the balanced chemical reaction.
C25H52 + 38O2 ------> 26H2O + 25CO2

Butane 2 C4H10 + 13O2 ---> 10H2O + 8CO2

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